Saturday, May 16, 2009

Silly Saturday

It's a rainy Saturday night and I'm in a silly mood so let's try something for fun. I thought I would ask a what if question and see what kind of response I get. Ok here goes; If you could make any fictional character come to life, which would it be and why? I'll go first. "William Parrish" played by Anthony Hopkins in the movie "Meet Joe Black". AHHHH the perfect man in every way, kind, sweet, gentle, smart, honest, loyal, trusting,loving,classy and wise, not to mention easy on the eyes for someone his age. As for the reason why, because I have never had a man like that in my life. Ok, tag your it.


  1. Easy! Jacob Black. perfect, tan, tall, always happy, works on carsss, OH and did i mention Indian? sounds.....lovely!

  2. The Hugh Grant character in Notting Hill. Ahh...

    Oh, yeah. I'd like a piece of THAT.

  3. This is all great,i cant wait for more,bring it on.


Would love to hear from you. It doesn't even have to be about my post,just say hi or maybe you have something that you would like to rant about.If you do the floor is yours. Either way,I'm proud you stopped by and hurry back.