We had the best pears of all this year.....now where was I?
So,I thought I should play a little catch up on a few of the things that have kept me from my blogging. I decided it was time to get rid of some of my junk(that's what the kids call it)that I can't seem to stop buying at yard sales(also a thing that kept me from my blog).. So I cleared out the spare room(can't show you the before shot or you would think me a hoarder)and donated most to charity,all but this....
I took this old dresser out of there(whoops forgot the bottom part wasn't in this photo)I'm losing it.
and painted it like this
and put it back in the spare room and now I have a sewing room.
of course in the mist of the work I just had to go out for my most favorite meal,wow,now I'm starving again.
I just Love Shrimp Scampi
and then Bailee Grace turned 1 on the 23rd,she's a dandy.
and today I baked a Banana Pudding Cake,got to fatten everyone up.
till next time~Dinah~