Sunday, August 30, 2009

Glad this Week is Over!!!!

I just need to vent a little before Monday rolls around and it starts all over again. This past week has been a real hoot.Things were going pretty good until Last Wednesday(I should have saw it coming right then). I was on my way to work and started to let the window down in my SUV when a noise like a shotgun went off,then the window fell down.Cha-Ching 300 dollars to repair that! I'm still fairly calm at this point,things happen. The next day is my off day,so naturally I'm doing house work and washing and catching up for the week. Things where still fairly calm and peaceful when I heard another loud noise. So,crisis #2,the washing machine goes out. Have you ever tried to wring out a king sized quilt with your bare hands? It must have weighted 100 lbs.By now my blood pressure is rising. I had already decided I would have to buy a new washer,I wasn't about to go through what I did a few months ago with the dryer,trying to fix it and having to buy one anyway. I knew it was time to calm down a moment before I made anymore decisions, so here I go to the computer to post(and whine)to everyone that I believed that I was cursed!!! You guessed it, THE COMPUTER CRASHED!!!!! I spent hours working on it to no end. On top of everything else I was having computer withdrawals. At this point I was convinced there was a voodoo woman somewhere sticking pins in a doll with my name on it. My poor son called about that time and had to hear my wrath(sorry babe). So,I thought,crap happens,deal with it. I did,I now have a window that will go up,Cha-Ching,a new washer Cha-Ching,Cha-Ching and a restored computer I just got out of the shop Cha-Ching. BTW,I also have a new DVR on the way,it went out also and anything saved must be watched before it is changed out. I'm glad I'm caught up on General I have a positive attitude tho,This IS going to be a BETTER WEEK.....This IS going to be a BETTER WEEK.......this IS going to be...............Oh,hell,the computer is messing up again! Stay Tuned...........


  1. Just keep that mantra going. "This is going to be a better week, this is going to be a better week, this is going to be a better week....."

  2. It'll be much better this week! Just keep telling yourself that!

  3. Come visit me. I need your help.

  4. Oh my you really got slammed -- know the feeling when the fates decide to make a miserable week on you and your pocket book.

  5. I know what your going thru girl, seems like no matter what something or someone gets you right when you think all is well. But just keep thinking 'This is going to be a better week', it will be. Sounds like my luck and yours is about the same. Hang in there all the madness will stop soon.


Would love to hear from you. It doesn't even have to be about my post,just say hi or maybe you have something that you would like to rant about.If you do the floor is yours. Either way,I'm proud you stopped by and hurry back.