Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas........Maxwell Here!

Hi all,it's been awhile since I have posted but there has been alot going on,what with Mama being sick and Christmas coming up,well you know,busy,busy,busy. Anyway,today I was listening to carols on the radio and heard the song "A few of my favorite things". Awww,come on,dig deep,you know the song. ♪♫ Dancer and Prancer and Donner and Vixon ♫♪. That's it,you got it! Well,I got to thinking that I would share a few of "my favorite" things with you.....................

I think this one speaks for it's self.

My afternoon naps.

My long talks with Maggie.

Shhhh,don't tell anyone but I love baby sitting.

The bed all to myself.

This always means more goodies on the way.

And last but not least "The Big Guy".

Till next time............Maxwell Here.......(Disregard signature below)


  1. So what about the 'whiskers on kittens'?
    Favourite things, well since it's near the big day and I have sisters I've been sending off 'brown paper packages tied up with string', very traditional and I hope they'll enjoy them.
    Hope you have a great time little guy, Happy Christmas!

  2. :) Nice one, Dinah, i mean, Max!


  3. You are just too cute, Maxwell! One of my favorite things looks a lot like you, except she's white and her name is Annabelle.

  4. That is cute! I love your tree, it's gorgeous (that is your house right?). That little Maxwell is a lucky little guy who is enjoying the good life!

  5. Maxwell so nice of you to post for your mummy. Tell her we want her better and back with us soon - in the meantime you all have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  6. What a nice, feel-good post! thanks

  7. THIS was what I needed to see: someone else whose fur-baby is such a part of their every movement. After "losing" our 18 year old fur baby on November 3, I haven't been the same since.


Would love to hear from you. It doesn't even have to be about my post,just say hi or maybe you have something that you would like to rant about.If you do the floor is yours. Either way,I'm proud you stopped by and hurry back.