Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Just A Junkin Junkie!

One of my most favorite things to do is going to The World's Longest Yard Sale,which runs from Aug.6th thru the 9th. I love getting out early and seeing all the bargains and people and unusual items people sell. I really love the antiques but they are very expensive,sometimes you can run up on a bargain. It's like treasure hunting to me and so relaxing. I like to find things I can restore or do something different with. Even just looking is sometimes like going through a museum of history,which I also love. So,here I have been looking forward to this for months,4 days of something I enjoy,actually, 3 days because I knew I had to work Saturday. Yesterday I'm told I had to work next Sunday too. I wasn't too upset because that still gave me 2 days to go treasure hunting. Well today rolls around and I find out I also have to work Thursday. So I'm down to 1 day. Wish me luck!


  1. I have always wanted to go to this..always..have fun!!! i hope you find lots of things...take pics

  2. Good luck! Hope you find tons of treasure this year!

  3. Dadgumit! I was gonna go with you too! But I can't go that day! Have funnn

  4. I'd hate to go and see all the things I gave to the Goodwill Store all these years, on sale.

  5. Sorry you don't get to go all 3 days, I know how much you enjoy it. I hope you enjoy the day you get to go. Have funs and let us know what bargains you find.


Would love to hear from you. It doesn't even have to be about my post,just say hi or maybe you have something that you would like to rant about.If you do the floor is yours. Either way,I'm proud you stopped by and hurry back.