Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally, An Explanation!


  1. Now this is funny.....great drawing,..-) Hugs

  2. Ha Ha!! That's exactly how ridiculous that looks on the outside too, having your drawers around your ankles like that for no "good" reason. At least it makes it harder to run away for those who dress like that and commit crimes Lol!

  3. Pants on the ground, Pants on the ground,, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground,,, i liked your post though.

  4. Lmao!! Do you ever wonder how in the hell they keep their pants up? I mean...I know they wear a belt but still! If I tried to walk around with my pants like that the minute I'd take one step...they'd be on the gound! Lol... Great pic!

  5. That is soooooooo funny!
    I heard a while back (from someone who, unfortunately would know) that "sagging" got started IN PRISON as a way of letting the other guys know they were "available." I wonder how many of these guys on the street know this is the message they're sending?!

  6. Love the explanation, I always wondered. I watched a guy working for a lawn service using a push mower to trim around trees. He had one hand on the mower and the other holing up his pants. I would have to give him half pay cause I am sure he was hired to use both hands.

  7. What will they think of next? I'll be glad when this long overdue phase is over.

  8. Way back in the 50's and 60's my dad had fits over the new style of wearing jeans on the hips instead of the waste area. He was always threatening to "jerk 'em down" and embarrass the young men. If he were still around, I'd be picking DAD up off the ground all the time after the beatings he'd be getting.

  9. That is hilarious. I'm about to add your link to all of my sites.

  10. LMAO!!!!

    I love it!!! I'm stealing it! (i'll give ya credit of course)


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