Friday, May 7, 2010

My Name is Dinah and I'm a Shopaholic

I went to a yard sale this morning and found this painting,it was sooo me that I just had to have it. Nothing wrong with that,right? WRONG!! I have just recently cleaned and donated stuff to make more room. Well in the few short weeks since then all I have done in my free time is go to yard sales and thrift stores and have bought more stuff than I gave away in the first place. So needless to say,my spare room is full once again. All my walls are full,what was I thinking and this is a very large painting. I'm telling myself that I will stop and just start doing my treasure hunting in my spare bedroom. Any idea's on how to stop this addiction? In the mean time I will go and clear a wall to hang this on,right after I check to see if there are any meetings close by. Hope you all have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day.~Dinah~


  1. My name is Lisa and I am a thrift shop addict. I too have a spare room FULL of crap that I just had to buy. Bottom line with me is that it is an addiction. I buy and don't even remember what I have bought. I have things that I never use, just add to the clutter. I feel for you because I me

  2. Well it is a pretty picture.....Happy Mothers Day my friend.......:-) Hugs

  3. Oh, I absolutely LOVE the picture and I can totally understand the urge to buy it.

    I thought that when I sold my BIG house and downsized that I would have to curb these impulses...but, not so much! Now I store things in the garage and take turns bringing them into the house. But I don't always take something out to the garage (like a trade), which is why my daughter has told me that no matter how old or decrepit I get, she is NEVER going to dust my stuff! answer to your question. I can't think of a cure!

  4. That's so funny~!!! you got the bug me there's no cure~!! But luckily we only have the summer months mostly for yard sales...As far as thirft stores go goodluck~!!!!!


  5. I so understand!!!! I love a bargain and sometimes it's hard not to get sucked into the "going broke saving money" thing. And I get the needing to build on an addition to the house to hold the stuff too :)

    If there is help out there, I've yet to find it!

  6. It IS a beautiful and peaceful picture. Enjoy it!
    Wish I could help with your addition...I have the opposite problem - don't like to shop. :(

  7. Oops...that should have been "addiction.:

  8. Hehe, I'm like this with second hand book shops, well not the shops but the books...can not resist them! I'm a maniac!:)


Would love to hear from you. It doesn't even have to be about my post,just say hi or maybe you have something that you would like to rant about.If you do the floor is yours. Either way,I'm proud you stopped by and hurry back.